Top rated White Collar Crimes lawyers in Nashville, TN
Luke Evans
Evans Bulloch Parker PLLC 888-900-7086If you've been charged with a serious crime, you need a serious defense attorney. Put my experience to work for you today.
Jeff Chabrowe
The Law Office of Jeffrey Chabrowe 855-336-7829Serving Nashville, TN (Nationwide)
A Strong Defense From a Former NYC Prosecutor. Experience on Both Sides of the Courtroom. Call for FREE Consultation. Avail 24/7
Cynthia Sherwood
Sherwood Boutique Litigation, PLC 615-802-9141Nashville, TN
We always go the extra mile to give you the widest range of options to resolve Federal Criminal charges.
Michael Gottlieb
Michael A. Gottlieb, P.A. 888-979-1655Serving Nashville, TN (Nationwide)
CALL NOW. 24/7. A true partner to clients in Aggressively defending you against federal charges. Don't wait to start your fight.
Mark J. O'Brien
O'Brien Hatfield, PA 888-450-2058Serving Nashville, TN (Serving Nationwide | Virtual Consults)
Fed Trouble? Free Consult. Former Prosecutor & Team Former Federal Agents. Call/Text 24/7. Immediate Response Guaranteed!
Oliver Storch
Oliver S. Storch 917-921-4947Serving Nashville, TN (Nationwide)
Tenacious. Formidable. Highly Qualified Criminal Law Attorney. 30 Years Exp. Handling Serious & Complex Criminal Cases. 24/7/365
G. Jeff Cherry
Lowery, Lowery & Cherry, PLLC 615-444-7222Serving Nashville, TN (Lebanon, TN)
G. Jeff Cherry is experienced in helping Nashville clients with their white collar crimes needs.
Luke A. Evans
Evans Bulloch Parker PLLC 888-900-7086Serving Nashville, TN (Murfreesboro, TN)
Luke A. Evans is an experienced white collar crimes attorney practicing in the Nashville area.
Grover Collins
Collins Legal, PLC 615-813-4055Nashville, TN
Grover Collins is experienced in helping Nashville clients with their white collar crimes needs.
Jennifer Thompson
Thompson Mangelsdorf 615-601-0003Nashville, TN
Experienced attorney assisting clients in Nashville with their Tennessee white collar crimes issues.
Thomas Overton
Law Offices of Thomas T. Overton 615-838-1166Nashville, TN
Experienced white collar crimes attorney. Serving residents of Nashville, Tennessee and surrounding areas.
Cynthia Sherwood
Sherwood Boutique Litigation, PLC 615-802-9141Nashville, TN
Connect with a local Nashville, TN attorney with proven experience helping clients with Tennessee white collar crimes issues.