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Were you denied employment, a promotion, a loan, access to medical or public services, or a membership because of your age, gender, physical or mental disability, race, or religion?
Have your formal complaints about mistreatment fallen on deaf ears?
Were you harassed or retaliated against for filing a formal discrimination complaint?
Discrimination can happen anywhere: at work, when you’re seeking housing, a loan, or an education.
If you believe you’ve been mistreated based on discriminatory practices, you’ll find help with Super Lawyers.
A discrimination lawyer understands the complicated procedural laws within your particular state, as well as the federal discrimination laws governed by the Equal employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Your lawyer will help with the filing deadlines specific to your claim, help you investigate or pursue additional remedies in conjunction with EEOC investigations, and ensure your rights are protected in the process.
Use Super Lawyers to hire a local discrimination lawyer to ensure equal treatment.
Super Lawyers offers a free, comprehensive directory of accredited discrimination attorneys who are recognized by their professional achievements and by their peers.