Top rated Discrimination lawyers in Bella Vista, AR

Parisis G. "Gerry" Filippatos

Filippatos PLLC 914-984-4015
Serving Bella Vista, AR (Nationwide)

Filippatos PLLC protects the civil rights and liberties of executives and employees who have been subject to any discrimination.

Leigh Anne St. Charles

Sanford Heisler Sharp McKnight, LLP 888-681-5583
Serving Bella Vista, AR (Serving Little Rock, Arkansas & Nationwide)

Steadfastly protecting YOUR RIGHTS if subjected to gender or other types of discrimination violating federal or state laws.

Top rated Discrimination lawyer

George M. Rozzell, IV

Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik & Rozzell PLLC | Serving Bella Vista, AR (Fayetteville, AR)
Rising Stars
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